Seeed Studio 2-Channel CAN-BUS(FD) Shield for Raspberry Pi is designed to support the CAN FD protocol and transmission speeds of up to 8Mbps.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio BeiQi RK1808 AIoT 96Boards Compute SoM is a high-powered core board designed for the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) field.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio BeiQi RK3399Pro AIoT 96Boards Compute SoM is a powerful core board for Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can form a complete development or evaluation board.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio Grove Shield for Particle Mesh is a particle mesh breakout board with 8 onboard Grove connectors.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio BeiQi Carrier Board Kit For RK1808/RK3399Pro is an interface debugging and testing carrier board that provides interfaces for SoM board debugging and testing.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio 3D Gesture and Tracking Shield for Raspberry Pi is based on Microchip's MGC3130 chip that enables the Raspberry Pi with 3D gesture recognition and motion tracking function.
Dáta: 2019-09-24Seeed Studio Seeeduino Nano is a compact board similar to the Seeeduino V4.2/Arduino UNO.
Dáta: 2019-09-12Seeed Studio RF Explorer RFEM2.4G PLUS Expansion is an expansion board compatible with RF Explorer WSUB1G PLUS models.
Dáta: 2019-09-11Seeed Studio Wio Lite W600 ATSAMD21 Wireless Development Board is a cost-effective Arduino compatible board with the W600 WiFi module.
Dáta: 2019-09-05Seeed Studio Grove Shield for Arduino Nano is made for the Arduino Nano but can be used with Seeeduino Nano.
Dáta: 2019-09-05Seeed Studio X15 Single Board Computer is available at Mouser and is a new member of the BeagleBoard family that measures 4x4.2".
Dáta: 2019-08-23Seeed Studio Seeeduino Cortex-M0+ board features an Atmel SAMD21 Microcontroller (MCU) that is based on the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ processor.
Dáta: 2019-08-02Seeed Studio Perf-V Based on Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA RISC-V is a FPGA demoboard designed for the RISC-V opensource community by PerfXLab.
Dáta: 2019-07-30Seeed Studio Crazyflie-Flow v2 Deck gives the Crazyflie 2.X the ability to detect its motions in any direction.
Dáta: 2019-07-30Seeed Studio Crazyflie 2.0 Multi-Ranger Deck allows the Crazyflie 2.X the ability to detect objects by measuring the distance to objects.
Dáta: 2019-07-30Seeed Studio Crazyflie-Z-ranger v2 Deck uses a laser sensor to measure the distance to the ground.
Dáta: 2019-07-30Seeed Studio MXKit Development Kits are used to develop applications for Internet of Things and smart hardware prototype developments.
Dáta: 2019-07-29Seeed Studio Crazyflie 2.0 DWM1000 Deck is a Tag in the Loco Positioning system and measures the distance to Anchors.
Dáta: 2019-07-29Seeed Studio MT3620 Grove Breakout Board is designed to be used as an expansion for the MT3620 Mini Development Board.
Dáta: 2019-07-18Seeed Studio Sipeed Maixduino Kit for RISC-V AI + IoT includes the RISC-V 64 development board based on the MAIX Module and is ideal for AI + IoT applications.
Dáta: 2019-07-18